Arth S Patel
Co-Founder & CEO, Tirex Chargers Pvt Ltd

As an accomplished entrepreneur with a background in engineering, Mr. Arth Patel is a driven and dynamic individual committed to making a difference in the world of electric vehicles. With a strong passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the industry, Mr. Patel co-founded Tirex Chargers in 2017 at the age of just 17 with the goal of revolutionizing the way EV OEMs operate. Drawing on his intellectual mind and strong analytical skills, Mr. Patel has been instrumental in developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions that meet the ever-evolving needs of the electric vehicle market. With a keen eye for detail and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he has worked tirelessly to ensure that Tirex Chargers remain at the forefront of the industry. Throughout his career, Mr. Patel has demonstrated a remarkable ability to think creatively and outside the box, consistently delivering innovative solutions that drive growth and success. His unwavering commitment to quality, coupled with his unparalleled work ethic, has earned him a reputation as a true industry leader. Arth has handled more than 5 closings in the past year worth over 10 million USD and bringing in a client like Fortum, the largest CPO in the world, is no small feat. It seems like Arth has a strong work ethic, dedicating more than 12 hours a day to stay on top of everything. Creating a team structure with effective reporting methods, planned standard operating procedures (SOPs) and documentation shows Arth's understanding of the importance of organization and efficiency in driving growth and reducing confusion within the firm. This approach can lead to increased productivity and faster development.